Thursday, October 21, 2010


Almost all students at any level of schooling, including me, wait until the night before to start our homework or start studying for a test. Just an example, I had a five page paper with a works cited page due Wednesday and I did not start it until 7 pm the night before.  I have a big math test tomorrow and I have not started studying yet.  Life is so much easier if one spreads their homework out over a few days but we just have the natural tendency to be lazy and do it in the last second.  The thing is, procrastination does not work as well in college as it does in high school.  In high school, I rarely studied for tests but when I did, I studied for ten minutes before the class. I am starting to learn that procrastinating is not going to work in college.  If I and everyone in this class wants to be successful and graduate form college, we are going to need to learn to do our homework over an extended period of time; not a couple hours before the class.

1 comment:

  1. Here’s a key idea: “Not every stupid act gets punished.” Procrastination is a stupid act in that it approaches work foolishly. Unfortunately in high school many people learn that they can get away with it. Their stupid acts don’t get punished. Freshman year is often the time when procrastination starts to get punished. Let’s hope you learn quickly before the punishments get more severe!
