Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why Judge?

As everyone who goes here knows, we have a very diverse campus.  This diversity is represented culturally but also just in people's personalities or just the way they look or dress.  I am a big offender of judging people just on their appearance.  If I see that someone is not showered and is wearing their pajamas to class, I think less of them for whatever reason.  That is not fair to them and it is really not good for me to think this way.  God told us to respect one another and love everyone as you love yourself.  There really is no point in judging people because no one really gets anything out of it.The other person doesnt hear about it and all it really does for you is show how weak you are as a person and makes you feel bad about yourself.  I am going to make an effort from now on not to judge people without trying to get to know them first.

1 comment:

  1. I hear a few ideas. One is: “You don’t really know a person just by their physical appearance.” Another is: “Silently judging people reveals our weakness.”

    On the other hand, it seems that we are to act wisely in our interactions with others people, and that requires making some judgments. For example, how should someone choose which person to hire? How will you decide whom to marry? Whom would you have babysit your kids? Or even, whom will you ask about what happened in class when you missed? In all of these, usually physical appearance has nothing to do with the qualities you are trying to assess. So we need to find better measures.

    So, when we see people who are poorly kept, we should look past that. The question is, what should you be looking for? It seems that we ought to be looking for character and integrity rather than mere appearances.
